Today we focus on Jesus as our Teacher. And like the best teachers, His most powerful lessons were in his lived expression.
For me this has meant a growing awareness of a dance with God that underpins my entire life, every moment. A dance that is at once an adventurous excavation of Truth, a rhythmic application of Disciplines, and a continuous co-creation of the Fruit of my behavior, thoughts and character. A dance between myself, my circumstances and God where these Truths, Disciplines and Fruit are in dynamic motion: each leading and following, shaping and yielding to the other.
I can only do this because I first watched Jesus do the dance himself and then invite me in. Slowing the rhythm and pace, so that I could learn and not be swept away or crushed. My missteps accounted for, included but not ruinous. The gravity of the dance mounting and my skill and familiarity growing.
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