Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Week 1 (Hope): Born to Do What Adam Could Not Do

Jesus did what Adam could not do...

And what Adam could not do is trust God.

Isn’t that fascinating.

That is all started with trust. That sin entered the world through Eve’s inability to discern the voice of the enemy and her openness to distrusting God.

Adam then follows this up by wanting Eve or trusting Eve more than God.

Like a pull in a sweater... sin has unraveled reality ever since. Cascading forward, our desperation only unraveling creation all the more. Less and less and less trust. Less and less and less obedience.

And in the midst of our chaos, Jesus is born. Born to do what Adam and Eve could not... trust and obey even to the point of death.

Through His obedience the fabric of reality is now being rewoven into a new heavens and earth, filled with trust, obedience, truth and light. The pulling of the sweater only yielding more fabric, more substance for this new reality.

The old is passing away. The new has come.

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