Monday, February 7, 2011

#58 Healing moments

I am working with a man who is struggling right now. And this week we had a real heart to heart about some concerns he was having about the way our work had gone so far. It took us awhile to get on the same page about what the trouble was - but we slogged it out. And in a brief snip of a moment, I saw how I had fallen short in our work. I immediately apologized - and you know what, that apology was powerful. I mean the infraction wasn't huge but something about saying "I'm so sorry" just immediately filled the room up with healing. Both of us were tearful. I am so privileged to be a part of something like that.

#59 Unexpected happy text messages

This week I've gotten several delightful and surprising texts: a couple of "just thinking about you texts" from loved ones, a note requesting to drop off a small gift, a message asking how my dear friend was surviving a Midwestern storm. All just making me feel thought of and loved. I am so lucky.

#60 Surprise Pashmina

One of my Bible Study Ladies, Kris, showed up with a pile of gorgeous pashminas (fancy scarfs) from the Middle East last Thursday. She was giving them out to us just as a special surprise. Just looking at them brought me back to one of my favorite activities; specifically, encountering anything from another culture. I just love how the art, architecture or wares from another country strike my senses. It's like I immediately recognize this thing as "different" and "unfamiliar", but also "beautiful".

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