#6 Being blessed to know and have actual relationships with all of maternal great-grandparents and all of my grandparents.
#7 I am particularly grateful for my Grandma Betty's laugh (she still giggles!) and the fact that she loves football. I can't explain why really, but there is something about her unashamed investment in the St. Louis Rams and Kurt Warner specifically (I realize he is now with the Arizona Cardinals - but he is still a part of this flame) that is so endearing. I just love it about her.

#8 My Siesta Scripture Memory Team bound index cards. I realize that I run the risk of sounding EXACTLY like an 11 year old girl, but I am SOOOO excited about this pretty little spiral bound notebook I can hardly keep myself from giggling. It reminds me of when I was inducted into the Mickey Mouse Club (I know - you didn't realize you were talking to a celebrity, but I was a member BEFORE Brittany Spears, Christina Aguilera AND Justin Timberlake). Yes, it was just a letter, a sticker and poster and did not mark the beginning of my rise to pop-stardom. BUT it in came in the MAIL for ME! Similarly, my SSMT notebook also came in the mail, initiating me into a cool group of Bible Memory ladies. YAY for ME!
#9 Having an amazing BFF. Today, I am grateful that she and I can really talk about anything. Even when things are hard or scary we stick it through. I am so, so lucky to have her. (I love you Jackie).
Anyway - goodnight my loves.
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