An observation of God's work on one woman's soul. Sometimes He gently nudges her, other times He loudly speaks to her and still others He waits patiently for her, as she kicks and screams her way toward redemption.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Today's service was great; all about the importance of deepening relationships. I mean seriously, our senior pastor got up and talked about how he doesn't want to have a church where we all fake it. He literally commissioned 3000+ people to go out and ask the question "How are you doing really?"And I just sat there and thought about all the churches in this country that shame folks for not having it all together and having little informal "whose the most righteous" contests and I teared up! How did I find these beautiful people? What a joy and a privilege it is to call Canyon home and Kevin Odor and Mitch Harrison my pastors! I love them.
#54 Chili dogs from Windy City
One of my dad's very good friends from childhood opened a Chicago beef and hot dog stand. I love chili dogs, but am very picky about them. Seems like most folks mess up the chili (too thin, too thick, too much, too little, they add beans), but these chili dogs are perfect. Yumo.
#55 My Dad's brown San Diego hoody.
I bought it for him for Christmas last year. He wears it almost every time I see him. I love when a gift like that comes along, it makes me feel significant.
#56 Charlie's baby smile.
Our dear friends Caitlin and Lane have a new (well relatively new anyway- 7 months now) baby named Charlotte, Charlie for short (and you know me, everyone's got a nickname or four). Charlie is the cutest little copy of her big sister, Emily. She also smells sweet (and sometimes a little sour, like spit up) and it reminds me of when Syd was little. She also has the most beautiful smile - sooo entirely meant to sweep you off your feet. She looks at you like she is just so incredibly delighted to see you. I could just melt - which (btw) is the point.
#57 Roasted brussel sprouts
Come on - you knew these were going to make the list sooner or later. For those of you who are unaware, I am a woman obsessed with brussel sprouts (roasted in the oven with just a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper). I am capable of consuming (and enjoying) quite more than I think my digestive system appreciates. But I savor them. Even when I am physically hurting, I delight in them. Oh my goodness. Delicious.
Friday, January 28, 2011
The last few nights it's been King George and the Ducky, which is a veiled (very veiled) retelling of the David and Bathsheba story aimed at talking about the consequences of selfishness. The whole thing is morally relevant and good - but if I am being totally honest today I am the most grateful for the silly grammar puns that Syd's memorized and we exchange back and forth. She plays Larry (King George) and I play Bob the Tomato (Louis).
Me: Did you just say more wronger?
Syd: (quietly) Yes
Me: It's more wrong, not more wronger.
Syd: (irritated) It had to rhyme! Don't question a kings grammar! (angrily demanding) Now go and get THAT DUCK!
And then we laugh... and do it again and again. Until I realize we'll be up until 11 at this rate and she (and I - let's be honest) needs a good nights sleep. Hmmm...
#51 My husband sent me this text message yesterday spontaneously:
"Have an amazing day!!!!!! I love you so much! I am so happy... you make me happy. "
I don't include this to engender jealousy or to give the false impression that my marriage is perfect, easy, or entirely happy - quite the contrary actually. I post this because my marriage has been scary, and hard, and pulled out every vile jealous controlling fleshly piece of me and some of the less than attractive elements of my husband and yet - here we are. Still together. Still capable of making each other happy. I am so blessed.
#52 That my brother Anthony is coming to visit in March.
Talk about another story of redemption. I haven't posted much on my brother because I always feel like I have to go on a diatribe to explain how I am both an only child and have a brother. The nitty gritty is that my Mom and Dad were high school sweethearts who got pregnant early senior year. Mom was sent away to a home for unwed mothers (as was the custom for good Catholic girls - or bad one's I guess, ugh) and my brother was born and placed for adoption. We reconnected when I was 18 and I found out genetics does have something to do with personality, because I met a man very much like myself.
Outside of the obvious, my relationship with him and his wife (Dyana - isn't that a beautiful name, I am such a sucker for "y"s) is a picture of redemption for a whole lot of other reasons too. Basically, things have not always been simple or painless in our relationships with one another but I really love them.
Anyway, they are coming! And they are bringing my adult nephew (Alex) and my munchkin niece (Madelyn) with them! Yay!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
2nd Bible Verse for 2011
I've been memorizing my 2nd Bible verse for the year for 11 days now. So I thought I'd try to write it from memory today (here goes nothing):
Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. (NIV)
Woohoo!!! Double check me - but I am pretty sure that is it!!!
I chose to memorize it because I can tend to be pretty critical gal when I am in the flesh - critical of me, critical of David, critical of Sydney, critical of my job, critical of the church - you name it I can find its faults.
Ironically, I think this is valued both in the larger American culture and in my family's culture specifically. I think we prize the ability to see how things are going wrong (or will go wrong) and this is seen as an asset to us. Maybe because we think it will prevent us from being hurt, or being hurt "as badly." However, my experience is that the pain of bearing up under the weight of this kind of critical eye does much more damage than some unanticipated pain ever could. We trade everyday torture for the (false by the way) belief that will can avoid unanticipated pain.
Anyway, God calls for us to have an exactly different mindset (Its the upside down Gospel). Instead of spending all of our time being critical, we are supposed to dwell on what is right and pure and good and noble and excellent. And (also ironically) psychology supports this idea. Turns out when we praise, highlight or reinforce what is beautiful, we actually get more of it.
I love God's economy.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Grace Card
I am going to try to pull something together in Vegas to go see it for my birthday (late, of course, it doesn't come out until February 25th) ... but I am hoping the trailer will inspire you to see it no matter where you are.
Love you.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Childhood Influences

Thank you God, for using what was so beautiful and true to shape my earliest memories. Thank you for weaving them so deeply in my being as to be an inseparable part of who I am.
#46 The Serendipity Books
My Mom bought me very many in this series of children's books about all matter of moral and ethical dilemmas for children. My favorite was a book called "Trafalgar True" about a these two groups of furry creatures who become jealous, wicked and divisive after a beautiful piece of the sun lands in the middle of their shared meadow. Trafalgar is a dragon who loves all of the creatures and resolves to end the wickedness by sacrificing his own life to return the sun stone.
#47 Willy Wonka
I love this whole movie - about the power of imagination and the importance of character.
But here's the part that really stuck with me: "We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams."
#49 Jim Hensen's The Muppets, Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth
All of Jim Hensen's work encourages imagination and faith in goodness. I'll give you a bullet point message I think I walked away with from each.
Labyrinth: Three things stand out to me about Labyrinth: (1) Hoggle - he's a broken little man, who is lonely predominantly because of fear and selfishness. His story about becoming a a real friend is just beautiful. (2) Coming of age - Hoggle isn't the only one to come of age, the main character Sarah comes of age. Learning about her own immaturity and selfishness. In the end she must take responsibility and come into her own power. (3) Dance Magic Dance (ok not particularly meaningful - but super cool!)
The Dark Crystal: As a kid I loved this movie and it also scared the pants off of me. It was the first movie I ever watched that elicited that love-hate reaction. What stands out to me about that movie is it's real, honest dealing with good and evil. The Skeksis (bird-like bad guys) are seriously evil - we learn before the movie starts that they have committed the organized genocide of an entire race due to fears that someone from this race who end their leadership. Throughout the movie they capture and ruin innocent people to stay young. And this stuff isn't implied, it's shown and it's chilling. The good-guys are at a distinct disadvantage throughout the movie; yet commitment, self-sacrifice, friendship, love and trust carry them and ultimately cause good to overcome.
The Muppets and Fraggle Rock: Both of these really just talk about the power of friendship. The characters are diverse in terms of personality, background and even species! And though diversity frequently causes conflict, it is ultimately framed in a positive light making the group of friends stronger.
Plus who doesn't love Kermit singing The Rainbow Connection!
So this is the longest gratitude post ever. But I am really, really grateful!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Something else I stole from someone else's blog
Remember the Billboard I mentioned hearing about on another blog... here it is with part of her post:
You know what I say: Amen sister!
Here's a link to her blog:
Fiery Love
The title is Fiery Love
Is there any other god among the gods of this world
Who unashamedly, unabashedly, declares and demonstrates that He loves
Contrary, willful, sinful, you and I
This God Who Is Love Transcendent
Surpassing, Incomparable,
This God Who Loves With All That He Is
Who Gave All That He Had
And yet keeps giving
Is there any other god among the gods of this world
Who Loves With His Great Heart Wide Open and Exposed
Right there in black and white for all to see
In the pages of the Bible as He pleads with and mourns over His wayward people
Like a husband grieving for his bride
Right there in red for all to see
As He bled for contrary, willful, sinful, you and I
Oh how I want a heart that burns with love and passion
And pours it all out on Him
To be an equally yoked lover for such a Love
To blaze so hot with fiery love
That the cold in heart are drawn to come and warm themselves and are melted
By the fire of His love in me
I got up, made a cup of coffee and spent my first 30 minutes of the day either in prayer or reading the Word. I cannot tell you what a difference it makes to replace "the New adventures of old Christine" with the Bible. It's like replacing a lava lap (cute but useless) with the sun.
Today's reading was focused on how we develop perseverance. Apparently, it comes through suffering and trials. My favorite verse today was James 1:2-4
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. (The Message, emphasis added)
Isn't that the truth - everyone can look all polished when things are dandy. It's when we are scared and the everything feels uncertain that who we are really comes to the surface. Do you really trust God? Do you really follow Christ? What about when you loose your job? Your home? A loved one? What about when people mock you? Or you feel stupid? How do you act when you feel desperate? Scared? Angry? Lost? Uncertain? That's the real you, the you, you don't have any energy to manufacture.
And don't stop half-way. Pay attention to the last part. God isn't just exposing our weakness and brokenness to mock us or humiliate us or show us imperfect. He's doing it to grow us, to prepare us.
Isn't that beautiful? Pain, exposure, vulnerability, imperfection - all present. But hope, forgiveness, maturity, meaning - all present too. Not pain because we deserve it, or because we just "need to see how cruddy we really are" but because God wants to make us more, make us better.
#45 I am just flat grateful to follow a God like that.
I mean just think about it. If you take the idea of God seriously (a uncreated being that created our reality), you have to admit that you (or people in general for that matter) have absolutely no say in what this being's qualities are. I mean God is going to be and desire whatever God is and desires - it is not going to change depending on my ideas or mood. God is God.
And it just so happens (of course this is from my, very Christian perspective), that God is good. Turns out He is really, really good. So good that there is no darkness in Him. So beautiful that he has no malice or brokenness or evilness at all. He is 100% love 100% of the time.
And given that I had absolutely no control over that - and yet it is; wow am I grateful! God could have been anything, with any number of detestable or wicked qualities and yet He is perfect. Beautiful.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I never in a million years thought I would love Women's Bible Study. I was pretty sure that Women's Bible study was a code name for a group of backward, gossipy, self-righteous ladies who beat the unsuspecting with their Bibles. Turns out it's about women trying to help each other get closer to God by studying the Bible together. Also turns out, that they are beautiful, dedicated women of God who genuinely love people. I can honestly say I rest in a lot of peace knowing that these ladies have my back.
#40 My parents.
It's been a difficult couple of days with my folks. The reality of our move this summer is increasingly sinking in and I think all of us are a little touchy and sad. And all of this reminds me how incredibly blessed I am to have parents who love me. I mean really love me. And they love my daughter and my husband too. My parents have shown me, from the very beginning, what it means to be on the end of a love you could never earn or deserve. And because of them, I really get why you must be loved to love. It's why it will always be God first - Others second. Always.
#41 Indian food.
I went to Origin India with a close girlfriend for lunch on Friday. Something about Indian food both wakes up my senses and soothes them. Thank God for Lasi, Butter Chicken and Naan.
#42 Hearing God talk.
God told me in the bathtub today that He wants me to give up make-up for lent. I knew this coming - felt in the breeze. Knew that He was going after that human-pleasing, vanity root within me. I know I am going to do it. I also know that I've already started fantasizing about loop holes (e.g. "Does dying your eyelashes really count?"). But in all sincerity - it's just really nice to hear Him speaking again. I will put down the mascara, lip gloss and blush if means walking more closely with Him.
#43 You.
I don't know who you are exactly - well I have some good ideas. But what really keeps me going in this life, keeps me from imploding from the guilt of knowing that I have been enormously and extravagantly loved in typically merciless, selfish and cruel world, is that I can at least love some other people. And you are one of them. I love you. I love you in a way that you probably cant fully understand, because I don't even fully understand it. I love you because I must and I will. I love you because you are divine and beautiful creation of God, infinitely complex and yet able to sit across from me and cry or laugh or listen. You are blessing. I don't care how you feel or what anybody else has told you - YOU ARE A GIFT. And I mean it, when I say it is my absolute privilege to share this life with you.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Random facts and purpose
#38 The idea that The Divine Creator of the Universe has a plan for my life. That I am not here by accident. The magnitude of that Truth is just so life changing I can't even really talk about it. But when I think about it for a few minutes, it takes my breath away.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Joe vs the Valcano, a waffle iron story, bacon wrapped dates and personal development plans
#33 Joe vs. the Volcano - I absolutely love this entire movie. In my opinion, it undoubtedly tops the list of Meg Ryan- Tom Hanks pairings (and yes, I am saying it is better than Sleepless in Seattle). The movie is incredibly smart, deep and hopeful (see my 2nd favorite scene here). It's also just plain hilarious. My favorite scene is when Joe dances to Come and Go with me on the luggage raft(check it out here).
p.s. If anyone knows where to buy that luggage I am totally down.
#34 Pastor Odor's waffle iron story (sorry to the non-Ridgers, this is just too funny to explain).
#35 Firefly's bacon-wrapped dates... yum, yum, yum
#36 Realizing that having a Personal Development Plan for my husband was probably not a good idea. Simultaneously realizing that God has a plan for David that is beyond my wildest dreams and if I just get on board I will get to watch.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Picnics, pajamas, pie
#27 Comfy pajamas that you don't take off until 2:00.
#28 Daydreaming about a new Baby Francis. Don't get over excited, we are not pregnant (well I guess it's possible, but I don't think we are pregnant). We are actively considering a new baby. I've been day dreaming about what it will be like to be pregnant again and what i

#29 Making a new recipe for dinner with my man (Shepherd's Pie - yum!).
#30 The movie Meet the Robinsons. Not the most popular of the Disney Pixar films but thematically it's VERY Emke. First, it's sci-fi, I mean there's time travel. That's one Emke thumbs up already. Second, it's existential, encouraging us to "keep moving forward" and not to get bogged down down in pains of our past. Finally, it also has a strong theme about choosing your family which is basically the Emke family motto. We (my dad and i) both cry at the end every single time.
#31 The song Little Wonders by Rob Thomas.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Don’t Watch the Parade in 2011!
Don’t Watch the Parade in 2011!
Ticket Busters, David, Ginny Owens
BTW - I am almost 100% sure that Ticket Busters is not a gift from God. Just an American luxury that made my life a little easier today.
#24 David going to Ticket Busters of his own volition to handle the ticket on my behalf, because he said (and I quote) "I can handle this honey, you've got better things to do."
BTW - I am 100% certain, that David is an incredible, extravagant, and completely unearned gift from God.
#25 The song If You Want Me To, artist Ginny Owens (you will hear it if you hang out long enough - if you can't wait scroll down and click on the song in the player at the bottom of the page). Today the lyrics are speaking so loudly to me - not sure why really because I don't feel like I am in a valley. Maybe because so many who have a part of my heart are. Sarah, Leslie, Christel - these lyrics are dedicated to you:
The pathway is broken
And The signs are unclear
And I don't know the reason why You brought me here
But just because You love me the way that You do
I'm gonna walk through the valley
If You want me to
Cause I'm not who I was
When I took my first step
And I'm clinging to the promise You're not through with me yet
so if all of these trials bring me closer to You
Then I will walk through the fire
If You want me to
It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that's not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'd never go alone
So When the whole world turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through
And I will go through the valley If You want me to
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Duar, theme songs, and SLI ladies
#21 The song Say by John Mayer. It's my theme song for today - been following me all over. Makes my heart tremble with it's truth.
Say what you need to say.
Even if your hands are shakin' and your faith is broken. Even if the eyes are closin' Do it with a heart wide open.
Can I get an AMEN!
#22 My So Long Insecurity (SLI) Ladies. I am so blessed to know these women
Ann, Carrie, Christel, Shay and Sherri. Thank you for being real with me and letting me be real with you. You have proven to be such trust worthy, honorable and Godly women.
It is my priviledge to know and serve them. Let me tell you, God is up to something big in this world and these women are a part of it.
I guess it's been another amazing day as the daughter of the King. I love each and every one of you so much. Good night.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Raisins, reminders, coffee and lucky numbers
#14 Finding Nemo (and any other story that says you can be parent and still need to grow up!) Boy do we need to remember that moms and dads only have it together as much as they are healed.
#15 Coffee, coffee, coffee (If you are looking for me in heaven, I will be at the coffee shop/library alternating between reading and engaging in intense conversations with Jesus, Irvin Yalom, Lauren Winner and CS Lewis - please come, we'd love you to join)
#16 Scalding hot baths with eucalyptus or peppermint scented bubble bath (preferably in dim light, with a cup of coffee and a good book)
BTW - where did I get the idea that I am an extrovert???
#17 - THE NUMBER 17!!! For those of you who don't know, 17 is and has been (like since before I can remember)my lucky number - or more accurately my favorite number. I like the sound of it, I even like the look of it. Bizarre, but completely me.... hey, do you think 17 makes a good name? (Not for a kid, I'm not starlet, but maybe a cat or dog?)
#18 Slow days at work. Don't you just love spending an unexpected hour at lunch with a colleague or surfing the net uninterrupted and guilt free (well maybe not entirely guilt free).
#19 An honest conversation with a good friend. I am so blessed to be close with such amazing women. Leslie, you are such an incredible woman - I love you.
God blessed me all day today - seriously, all day long. I love you all.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I love you too Lord, I love you too.
Monday, January 3, 2011
A farm house and a song

#10 The possibility of living in this beautiful farmhouse in Indiana. I realize it's a long shot, but the possibility reminds me of all of the wonderful things God has done and will do in my life.
#11 The song You are More, artist Tenth Ave North.
Grandparents, belonging and best friends
#7 I am particularly grateful for my Grandma Betty's laugh (she still giggles!) and the fact that she loves football. I can't explain why really, but there is something about her unashamed investment in the St. Louis Rams and Kurt Warner specifically (I realize he is now with the Arizona Cardinals - but he is still a part of this flame) that is so endearing. I just love it about her.
#9 Having an amazing BFF. Today, I am grateful that she and I can really talk about anything. Even when things are hard or scary we stick it through. I am so, so lucky to have her. (I love you Jackie).
Anyway - goodnight my loves.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year
I've decided to make 2 New Year's resolutions this year. This is a striking proposition for me, as typically I am not a resolutions type of gal (I'm more of smugly disdain New Year's resolutions type of gal). Yet, here I find myself.
Both resolutions are an attempt to deepen my intimacy with the God. The first, involves systematically documenting the things I am grateful for each day. My intention is to log in here as often as possible and continuously add to a list of moments, people, thoughts, tastes, smells, sights, songs - ANYTHING for which I am grateful. Basically, I don't want to let all of the ways I see God and see Beauty slip out of my fickle memory so quickly. Let's start with the things I am most grateful for today:
#1 Forgiveness. I am thankful for the opportunity to be forgiven, I am so far from perfect. I am also thankful for the opportunity to forgive, turns out no one else is perfect either. Life is so much sweeter with grace.
#2 The way that Sydney wraps her little arm around my head or neck to draw me close.
#3 Snuggling.
#4 The Tournament of Roses Parade - and that one of the marching bands played "just a spoonful of sugar" today. Syd's been humming it constantly because she loves Mary Poppins.
#5 That Sydney loves Mary Poppins, one of my favorite movies from childhood.
I am also joining the Siesta Scripture Memory Team (SSMT) on Beth Moore's blog. 24 scriptures in 1 year. The Bible basically says that our only offensive weapon against the relentless waves of seduction, oppression and hate we will doubtlessly encounter in this world, is the Truth of God - the Scriptures. Thus, I've decided to commit some of those Truths indelibly on my heart. Here's the first:
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Isn't that the most lovely thing you've ever read. The God of the universe is characterized as a "God of hope" seeking to fill us with joy and peace, such that we are overflowing with hope. I just picture this fountain of light splattering from out of my chest all over those around me. People just walking away from me drenched in hope! Hallelujah! May it be doubly so, precious Lord.
Anyway! Happiest of New Years to you all. I love you.