I was moved to tears yesterday while I was driving home (well, actually to a BBQ at my Uncle's house - but that's not really relevant).
I was listening to radio and the song "The Face of Love" by Sanctus Real (check it out: here) came on. I've heard the song probably a thousand times (and sang along most of those times if you know me!). But I don't know that I've ever really listened closely to the lyrics until yesterday.
It articulates so perfectly a process that is happening to my heart and has been for the past few years. I am becoming increasingly enamored of Jesus Christ. It began as a fascination, "Wow! You know this guy had some pretty cool things to say. But man was he weird! What's the deal with spitting in mud to heal some one's eyes?"
And evolved into a deep respect, one that propelled me to dedicate my life to his purposes. "OK. This guy had some things very, very right about this world. He seemed to have his finger on the heartbeat of our brokenness and to be suggesting things that might actually heal it."
Next to awe. "There is no way this guy was just a great teacher. He never made a mistake. He never said one thing I can criticize or see through. He never once acted like a hypocrite. He was love 100% of the time. He is the Messiah, the Son of God."
Then to shear joy. This was the phase (for those of you closest to me) when I started saying things like - "Jesus is a radical!" And what I meant to express was my full joy and connection with his person. I would often think to myself "His teachings are full of challenge. There is no BS in Him. There is no placating in Him. He is ALL challenge and ALL LOVE. I've never seen anything like Him. I am blown away by Him."
Yet all of these things, were based on Scripture readings. Drawing near Him through the Bible and considering Him as He was then.
But yesterday, in the car, I realized something new. The growing love I have for Him is starting to loosen from stories about what He said or how He helped other people. Or even His vision and love for the World. It is starting to become about something much, much more personal.
There is a line in the song: "I may not know the shape of Your face, but I can feel Your heart changing mine. And Your loves still proves that Your alive." And when I heard that lyric I just felt every hair on my body stand up and tears sprang to my eyes: Jesus is here, He loves me and His love is changing me. And (here was the kicker) that proves something! If His love can change me nearly 2000 years after these stories were written, then He is alive. And not just in concept, in MY LIFE.
For a doubting Thomas like myself - this is HUGE. Something intangible is proof to me. And proof that is deeper and more substantial. I am changing.
The song ends with a prayer that I think is appropriate here.
Dearest Jesus,
You are the face that changed the whole world. No one too lost for You to love, no one to low for You to serve. So give us the grace to change the world. No one too lost for me to love, no one to low for me to serve. Oh let us see, let us be Your face.
I love you, Jesus. Amen.
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